Amazon Mom

Friday, January 27, 2012

Stretch a Buck on Dish Soap

My picture here is not exactly pretty but I wanted to share how I stretch a buck on dish soap (such as Dawn, Palmolive, and MY FAVORITE Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day).  I also feel that dish soap is so SOAPY that you really don't need that much anyways so this extends the life of the soap.

I re-purpose those foaming hand soap containers - this one is either from Bath & Body Works or Softsoap (I can't remember).  Just make sure it is the foaming soap container.

Mine bottle isn't pretty but you could always make a pretty label or make it look as nice as you want.

Basically I fill the container about a quarter of the way full with whatever dish soap you choose.  I think I have Dawn Hand Renewal with Olay in mine (it is a pink color).  I have also done this with Mrs. Meyer's dish soap as well.  Because I am using the Dawn Hand Renewal, it may also work as hand soap - double duty.

Once I fill with dish soap, I add warm water.  Not too full because the cap takes up some room when you place it back in - I would say fill about 3/4 of the way full with water.

Put the cap back on and shake a bit to dilute the soap.

You now have foaming dish soap.  Very easy, cheap, and helps save a few bucks.

I've seen containers from kitchen supply companies that do the same thing but I like the idea of re-purposing what I already have.  You could also do this with hand soap as well.  I would probably try to make the bottle prettier.  This could probably work with any kind of soap - even shower gel & shampoo.  I haven't tried that yet but might give it a try.  I think most of us probably waste more soap than we think.  We don't really need as much as we pour out.  Good luck and I would love to hear how you make your bottles pretty.

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