Amazon Mom

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tried Making a Scarf

My something NEW today was trying to make a scarf out of an old t-shirt.  I saw this technique on the Rachael Ray Show yesterday.  The author of P.S. - I Made This, Erica Domesekwas on and showed how to make an old t-shirt turn into a scarf with only using scissors.

I want to make sure I personally don't take credit for the idea - the Rachael Ray Show website has the clip from the show where the author made this but I will give the basic idea of what I did.  Here is the link from RR show site:

I laid the t-shirt down flat and cut straight across right below the armpits.
Start cutting strips along the bottom edge about 1/2 inch wide and approx. 6 inches long.  Cut the entire length of the t-shirt.  Do this on both sides.
Basically you will have a rectangle, with a strip in the middle that looks like a "scarf" and the edges are cut/fringed.  Once you have the strips cut, tug on them a bit to make them kind of roll up and look more like fringe.

If you watch the clip, it is so much easier to understand and see what I am talking about.  Mine did not come out as pretty as I had liked so I didn't take step by step pictures.  I will probably try this again and see if I can make it look better.

My verdict:  This is an awesome idea and the scarf is really cute BUT I highly recommend using really sharp scissors that have only been used for sewing and cutting fabric.  My scissors are really crappy so the  strips came out very messy.  When you tug on the strips, it hides the messiness a bit but I am kind of a perfectionist so I want to try this again with better scissors.  I think I was so excited to see the outcome that I rushed.

I love recycling/repurposing things and this is a great way to do so.  Glad I watched the RR show yesterday - nice break from Nick Jr and Disney.

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